15.05.2024 Emmanuel Muller from the evoREG team co-organized a one-day conference entitled «Economic Resilience and Borders» at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
15.05.2024 Emmanuel Muller from the evoREG team co-organized a one-day conference entitled «Economic Resilience and Borders» at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
26.10.2023 Following the workshop last year celebrating the French-German cooperation between Strasbourg and Karlsruhe at the occasion of the 50th anniversary of BETA and Fraunhofer ISI, the evoREG team organized a two days event held in Karlsruhe devoted to the works of ten of our young researchers. The PhD candidates and post-docs presented the current state of their research in the field of innovation economics, preparing the future steps of the cooperation between Strasbourg and Karlsruhe.
13.10.2022 BETA and Fraunhofer ISI were both founded in 1972, 50 years ago!
The evoREG team organized a two days workshop celebrating the French-German cooperation between Strasbourg and Karlsruhe in the field of innovation economics and welcomed international speakers (Ben Martin, David Doloreux and Richard Shearmur).
03.03.2020 Professor Richard Shearmur (McGill University, Montreal) was invited by evoREG to give two conferences on municipal innovations in Canada (first conference held in Strasbourg, the second in Karlsruhe) and to prepare future co-operation with the evoREG team.
21.04.2019 Emmanuel Muller from the evoREG team gave a speech on human-artifical intelligence symbiotes at PSB (Paris School of Business)
08.06.2018 The evoREG team organised a workshop in Sankt Georgen in the frame of the BFD (Black Forest Diamond) conference aiming at developing a Porterian cluster in the Black Forest region. The workshop was supported by the French-German University and was attended by researchers and students from Canada, France and Germany.
09.11.2017 Emmanuel Muller was invited by the scientific publisher Elsevier to participate in a round table entitled "Tearing down walls between Academia and Industry" in the frame of Falling Walls conference in Berlin.
07.07.2016 Andrea Zenker and Emmanuel Muller the evoREG team gave a speech during the 16th Conference of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society (ISS) in Montreal
22.09.2015 In the frame of the celebration of the 30 years anniversary of the co-operation between Toyo University (Tokyo) and the University of Strasbourg, a two-days symposium entitled "Creative Challenge of Knowledge Angels for the future work and Economy : France and Japan" was organized in Tokyo. Emmanuel Muller from the evoREG team gave a lecture on knowledge Angels.
11.06.2015 In the frame of the evoREG-ADEUS cooperation a conference gathering some 300 participants and addressing the issue of metropolitan attractiveness took place in Strasbourg. The meeting involved international experts and national-level elected representatives.
09.06.2015 Emmanuel Muller from the evoREG team gave a key note speech in Tunis about innovation and regional development at the occasion of the Tunesian national innovation days
27.11.2014 The evoREG team organised a workshop at
Fraunhofer ISI (Karlsruhe) supported by the
French-German University and addressing the issue
of metropolitan evolutions. The workshop was
attended by researchers and students from France
and Germany as well as from several further
27.06.2014 Muller from the evoREG team welcomed and
supervised 15 MBA students from the University of
Pennsylvania in the frame of a summer school
devoted to innovation and creativity in the Upper
26.05.2014 Emmanuel Muller from the evoREG team makes a
statement at the Federal Ministry of Finance
(Berlin) on French and German R&D and innovation
04.04.2014 Emmanuel Muller from the evoREG team gives a speech in Frankfurt on universities and business relationships in the frame of a workshop organized by the Fraunhofer Society
10.10.2013 Andrea Zenker from the evoREG team is talking about knowledge angels in front of the AKM (working group knowledge management) at the Siemens Industriepark Karlsruhe
13.06.2013 In its electronic edition (dated June 13, section Innovations), The Washington Post is quoting the evoREG initiative.
20.11.2012 Emmanuel Muller from the evoREG team gives a key
note speech in Berlin in front of representatives
of the German higher education landscape and of
Strasbourg in the governance of the Upper Rhine
(see documents to download)
17.11.2012 Emmanuel Muller from the evoREG team is invited to
take part in a round table on the excellence of
research in France and Germany in the frame of the
French-German Forum hold in Strasbourg
25.10.2012 on behalf of the new French Minister of Higher
Education and Research to organise debates on the
European and transborder dimensions of science in
Alsace (see documents to download)
03.05.2012 Emmanuel Muller from the evoREG team gives a presentation at the Euro-Institut (Kehl) devoted to definitions, concepts ansd philosophies of clusters
08.12.2011 The evoREG initiative put together a two-day
workshop entitled "Happiness, Innovation and
Creativity" at Fraunhofer ISI in Karlsruhe. Guests
from Germany, France and Newzealand exchanged on
their latest findings related to links between
happiness, innovation, creativity, policies and
30.11.2011 (ESC-Bretagne-Brest) to give a speech focused on
the measurement of the creative classe at regional
10.10.2011 The evoREG initiative put together a two-day
Workshop in Strasbourg where guests from Germany,
France and further countries exchanged on new
ideas and latest findings related to innovation
economics. The meeting was welcomed by Alain
Beretz (President of the University of Strasbourg)
04.07.2011 Emmanuel Muller from the evoREG team gives a presentation on the impact of research infrastructures on regional creativity in front of academics during a workshop held at BETA (University of Strasbourg) in the frame of the EvaRIO research project performed on behalf of the European Commission (DG Research, Brussels).
12.04.2011 Emmanuel Muller and Andrea Zenker from the evoREG
team give a key note presentation about
creativity, innovation and creative industries in
the Upper Rhine region in front of the club of
economic developers of the PAMINA cross-border
18.03.2011 Emmanuel Muller and Andrea Zenker from the evoREG team give a presentation on the future of KIBS research as guest speakers of the conference entitled Exploring Knowledge Intensive Business Services - Entrepreneurships, Business Models and Knowledge Management Strategies organized by the University of Padua (Italy).
15.11.2010 The evoREG initiative joined the consortia of regional and international partners in order to put together a one week program, the first of its kind. CreaSXB, the Fall School on Management of Creativity, brought together some 70 participants to discover the various crucibles of creativity in the Upper Rhine Region, from Weil-am-Rhein, to Strasbourg to Karlsruhe. The full programme is available under Reports / documents.
11.11.2010 The evoREG initiative put together a two-day Creative Workshop in Karlsruhe where guests from Germany, France, Canada, Spain and Israel gathered to discuss their latest findings related to economics and management of creativity.
30.10.2010 Emmanuel Muller from the evoREG team presented the evoREG initiative at a gathering of young entrepreneurs from Strasbourg, Brussels and Stuttgart at the JCE summit.
28.10.2010 Francis Gosselin from the evoREG team was invited to deliver a presentation on Creative industries to French and German ICT experts and entrepreneurs at Alsace Digitale's "Last Thursday October".
27.10.2010 Emmanuel Muller from the evoREG team intervened at the Research Network on Policy Implications for KIBS and Innovation in Regions in a Globalised Economy Workshop at the University of Jena on October 27th and 28th.
21.10.2010 Francis Gosselin from the evoREG team, seconded by Analia Glogowski (formerly from iconoval) delivered a presentation on Creative industries to local entrepreneurs, policy-makers and academics at iconoval's 38th Image Meetings, in Strasbourg's Club de la Presse.
14.10.2010 In the presence of numerous local firms' representatives, Emmanuel Muller from the evoREG team delivered a talk on regional initiatives in the Upper Rhine Region at Conectus' "Organization, management, creativity and marketing" workshop.
02.10.2010 The first edition of TEDx Alsace was held in Mulhouse on Oct. 2nd and featured 11 speakers. Francis Gosselin from evoREG was there and reported on the MosaiC website [mosaic.hec.ca].
31.08.2010 The evoREG team completed the first stage of the ideas lab study for the Alsatian 'Agence Regionale de l'Innovation'. The report was handed to ARI's Director, Carmen Muller, and may be downloaded from evoREG's website.
09.07.2010 The evoREG team was at the Germano-Russian School in Karlsruhe to discuss their view of the Upper Rhine in terms of creativity, trans-border integration of innovation systems, and territories.
02.07.2010 Jean-Alain Heraud and Francis Gosselin, both members of evoREG, are attending the HEC Montreal and University of Barcelona's two-week Summer school on management of creativity in an innovation society, where they will join with some 70 international participants discussing innovation and creation.
11.06.2010 Jonathan Schueller speaks about crossborder integration and localised innovation indicators during the Eurolio workshop.
28.05.2010 Jean-Alain Heraud and Emmanuel Muller spoke of Knowledge Angels in Alsace at Economie 2020 think tank organised by Urban Community of Strasbourg (CUS).
17.05.2010 evoREG team including Emmanuel Muller, Andrea Zenker, Francis Gosselin and Jonathan Schueller met in Barcelona with partners from the University of Barcelona, the Cornella Citilab and Avanzalis to debrief the Knowledge Angels project and explore ideas laboratories.
11.05.2010 evoREGs Emmanuel Muller moderated the final conference of the ERIK ACTION project in Florence (Italy).
23.03.2010 Francis Gosselin of evoREG and Francis Blanrue from ARI (Regional
Innovation Agency) animated a 2h session with academic, institutional and
professional partners from both sides of the Rhine to discuss the ideas lab
09.03.2010 Emmanuel Muller speaks about creativity and territory in front of an
international audience at the Council of Europe (Strasbourg).
26.02.2010 Jean-Alain Heraud, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management in Strasbourg, spoke in front of 200 people from the image industry of the Upper Rhine region at iconovals States General.
05.02.2010 Denis Roy, founder and president of the Egzakt communication agency, meets with designers and researchers from Fraunhofer ISI in Karlsruhe.
01.02.2010 Knowledge angels event in Strasbourg with Laurent Simon (Montreal) as guest star.
01.12.2009 Creativity World Forum in Ludwigsburg (Stuttgart). Andrea Zenker and Francis Gosselin where attending with evoREG partners.
23.11.2009 Knowledge angels event in Karlsruhe with Prof. Dr. Peter Nieschmidt, Munich, as guest star.
12.09.2009 Emmanuel Muller and Elisabeth Baier present a paper on Knowledge Angels at the DIME-SPRU conference (Brighton) on Technology, skills and geography.
21.07.2009 Final presentation and policy recommendations related to innovation culture and creativity to the steering committee of Regional Innovation strategy Alsace by Emmanuel Muller, Andrea Zenker, Elisabeth Baier and Francis Munier.
17.06.2009 European Union decides officially to support the evoREG initiative through an Interreg co-funding (2009-2011).
01.01.2009 Official launch of the evoREG initiative.